Tea. Western method

Tea. Western method

  • Boil the water to 95°C.
  • Weight tea leaves at a ratio of 1:100 in the kettle. Adjust the amount based on your preference and the type of tea you're using.
  • Pour the hot water over the tea leaves, ensuring that all the leaves are fully saturated. Use a circular motion to evenly wet the leaves.
  • Start the timer and let the tea steep. Tea generally requires 3-5 minutes of steeping time, but this can vary based on personal preference and the specific type of tea. Experiment to find your ideal steeping time.
  • Keep an eye on the timer and avoid over-steeping, as it can lead to a bitter taste. Adjust the steeping time according to your taste preferences.
  • Drain the brewed tea from the brewer.

Adjustments can be made to suit your personal taste preferences and the specific characteristics of the tea you choose.

brewing parameters

Tea Weight
Brew Ratio
Brew Water
Water Temperature
Brew Time
3 minutes
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